Difference between Hashmap and Hashtable, HashMap Vs HashTable, HashMap Realtime Example, HashTable Realtime Example, Difference between HashMap and Hashtable with Example, HashTable Vs HashMap, Difference HashMap and HashTable with Realtime Examples.
HashMap Vs HashTable ? Is it Possible to make HashMap synchronized ?
HashTable Vs HashMap
In Java Collection Frame work Difference
between HashMap and HashTable is one most Frequently Asked question in Java
interview for Freshers,2+,3+,5+,6+ Experience also. Candidate’s who are going
to attend for the Interview must be perfect in Core java and Collection Frame
Work. In this Collection Frame Work we explained the Difference HashMap
and HashTable is most often asked in the
Interview, So Candidate must be Prefect in this Sections.
Difference Between HashMap and Hashtable
in Java
Hashtable and HashMap both of them
implements Map Interface, But there are some difference between them, that
helps to decide whether to Hashtable or HashMap in Java.
1) HashMap is Similar to Hashtable, but its not
Sychronized and allows null values. HashMap represented as key value pair in
which both Key, Value allows null value.
2) One of the main Difference between HashMap and
Hashtable, HashMap is not synchronized whereas Hashtable is synchronized. Hashtable
is thread safe and hashtable is not threadsafe(allows multiple threads to share
a resource or object).
From Java 5 Version introduces the
ConcurrentHashMap which is an alternative for HashMap and has better
performance than Hashtable in java.
Another Major Significant Difference is
Iterator in HashMap is fail and fast safe iterator, While enumerator is used
for retrieving the data in thread safe manner, that throws
ConcurrentModificationException, when any another is trying to modify the data
in map.
Another final Difference between Hashtable and HashMap in which
due to thread safe and synchronization Hashtable is very slow compare to
HashMap because of single threaded approach.
for New Terms
1) Sychronization
is process that allows one thread to access the Hashtable, It means first of
all it holds the lock on the object of Hashtable while any thread is going to
access the Hashtable.
2) Another
Term is Fail-safe is related to Iterators. If an Iterator or ListIterator is
created on the Collection Object. If any thread tries to modify the that
Collection Object then it throws ConcurrentModfificationException.
HashMap Sychronization Using Collections Method
In Java Collection HashMap Can be Sychronized by using Collections sychronizedMap(HashMap) method.
3) HashMap
can be Sychronized by using Collections Class Method (i.e) synchronizedMap(HashMap).
Ex: Map
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